Get to know us better as we are bringing reforms in Judiciary & Police.

A think tank with an aim to revolutionise Judiciary and Police.

Alpha Think Tank Pakistan is a group of dedicated individuals who have served and are serving Pakistan in various organizations at responsible positions. They have given and continue to give their best to Pakistan in their respective fields. They have resolved to work together under a forum – Alpha Think Tank Pakistan - to bring about institutional reforms in Pakistan, starting with the establishment of rule of law.

Chairman's Message

Whenever and wherever injustice or inequality becomes the norm of the day, where the poor are deprived of their rights and the rich get away with the greatest crimes, there is bound to be an imbalance in the society. This imbalance leads to deprivation in every field of life. Education, health, jobs, business, and injustice creep in and destroy the community. It is what exactly happened with Pakistan. Institutions were destroyed and brought down to the ground. An unprecedented fall of society was witnessed as a whole. A state that was once rising to heights, slipped down to its lowest ebb. Merit suffered a blow; talent had no access to the top, and crimes were committed at every level.
Hence, a few of us decided that it was time to think about how to stop the fast-sinking ship. We decided to start “Think Tank Pakistan”. A group of think-alike got together, to make an effort to work a way out of the chaos. It was a marathon task. Pakistanis across the globe sat down and started to think about what could be done! It was unanimously agreed that we should first try and work on Police and judiciary reforms. If the justice system worked fine, all other issues could be handled! Hence, as a beginning, Think Tank made efforts to get access to the existing legal framework, to get all information on what works had been done till now on the justice system of Pakistan. We are initially working on draft police reforms and judicial reforms and trying to rectify the weaknesses in the system, and move towards the economic, social and educational reforms once we have made some headway in our initial focus. In this endeavour, we need your support. We would like you to join hands with us, advise us, and guide us on how to make this dream come true. This website gives all details of how to be a part of Team Pakistan. We shall be delighted to hear from you and learn from your experience.

Thank you!
Farasat Latif

Our Vision & Mission

A peaceful, progressive and value-based society where laws are legislated, implemented and interpreted to secure the rights of individuals

Every day brings new challenges

We are focused on moving forward!

To contribute meaningfully, as a non-political entity, towards transforming Pakistan into a social welfare state by working with like-minded bodies and individuals by influencing higher-level decision-makers for systematic improvement in key social, administrative, technology, economic, judicial and foreign affairs sectors.

About Us

Our Goals

We, who have served, and continue to serve Pakistan in various capacities, as individuals or through an organization.

Rule of Law

Transparent, quick, non-discriminatory, and sustainable provision of justice.



Attainment of across-the-board meritocracy in all spheres of public life in Pakistan.


Education for all

To seek the provisioning of quality education to every child at least up to the graduate level.

Life & Health

High class state sponsored public health system to ensure a healthy population.

Be the change! Let's work together

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Reach out to us

In case of any query, feel free to contact us. We would be happy to hear from you.
